
Straatweg 26
3604 BB Maarssen, NL

Telephone: +31 (0)30 30 50 336

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

No, delivery is not included as standard. We can have the containers ready within 2 working days for collection.
If you need support in arranging transport, please contact us. We will help you get in touch with transport companies! 

You can assemble a container within 3-5 minutes and you can do it with 1-2 persons. The assembly can be done on-site just before filling, or it can be done in advance. 

Yes, we offer our CargoCube for aseptic applications. The aseptic CargoCube is delivered with a 2-inch DN50 steamable valve, which allows you to make a sterilize filling and discharge from the bottom of the container.

Yes. The cardboard containers are 100% separable and 100% recyclable. You can dispose the unit on-site, which means the containers does not require any pooling systems.

Yes, the CargoCube IBC are stackable. The CargoCube IBC can be stacked 2 on 1 static, and 1 on 1 dynamic.

Yes, you will receive your invoice after ordering. After we have received confirmation on your payment, we will start to prepare your order.

Send us your question or remark