Wine-Beverage transport

The industry of wine & beverage requires innovative and sustainable packaging. Wines and other beverage drinks are a delicate liquid that requires extra care during exporting. Wine & beverage is produced locally (eg. France or Italy) and shipped globally to be bottled and sold to customers around the world.

Air pollution, temperature differences and UV lightning can have a negative impact to the quality of the product.

IBC Store supplies containers to wine & beverage manufacturers like:

The solution – CargoCube IBC & IBC 500L

Cardboard IBC’s are an ideal packaging solution for the Wine-Beverage industry. Our 1000L CargoCube and 500L container are used for wine and beverage.

When exporting eg. wines from a local wine producer in France or Italy to markets in US or Asia, it requires a reliable and strong container. The cardboard boxes has been tested and certified for long distance transport.

The CargoCube IBC container and 500L IBC container works very well for the wine & beverage industry. The containers are a foldable IBC system and provides wine producers with an optimised supply chain and warehouse efficiency. Simply collect and unfold the box when needed!

Need help to choose your cardboard IBC containers?