IBC Store is your supplier of a wide range of IBC’s for packaging liquids, delivered flat packed. In our assortment you will find the quality and products of  A-brand suppliers. With us you order the most reliable liquid packaging, in a flexible way, with all the comforts and service you expect from an industrial supplier.

We believe that you – the customer – does not have to worry about packaging your liquids. We deliver the complete solution to your doorstep so you can start filling immediately. Our wide range of products enables our customers to pick the right sized and shaped packaging for their liquids.

About IBC store: mission

IBC Store is a cooperation between various parties working in the packaging industry. This means that our knowledge within the industry is wide, and it makes us capable of understanding many problem areas through your process of production, logistics or product development.

Our mission is to provide you with the IBC solution that suits you best. This enables you to choose between a wide range of products and accessories which easily can be a part of your production process. All of our cardboard IBC’s are delivered flat packed to minimize both transport and storage space. We ensure minimum waste of product, optimal one-way-solutions for far away destination and complete bag-in-box systems to start filling right away. Above that, cardboard is a very sustainable way of packaging so you minimize the CO2 footprint while using our products!

IBC 500L cardboard container stacked

Need help to choose your cardboard IBC containers?