2 ways of receiving your IBC containers

Many of our customers ask: “what are the differences between direct-use vs. flat-packed?”

We will explain below, so you are able to order the right cardboard IBC for your storage and transportation needs.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Cardboard IBC container

Direct-use (assembled)

Direct-Use cardboard containers are delivered as a ready to use solution. You receive a fully assembled container with all the necessary components mounted to the container.

This reduces the need of handling the container, but it does require more storage space if the container need to be storage for a longer period of time.


Flat-Packed cardboard containers are delivered as a set of parts, which are packed in the most efficient way.

This reduces the need of storage space for the products for a longer period of time, but it does need more handling.

Flat packed cardboard IBCs

Need help to choose your cardboard IBC containers?